Duplicate Formidable Form entries created
If you face the issue of Formidble forms creating duplicate entries after you submitted the form. Turn off “Submit this form with AJAX” option in form’s settings.
If you face the issue of Formidble forms creating duplicate entries after you submitted the form. Turn off “Submit this form with AJAX” option in form’s settings.
Create a JQuery script that detects whether the Formidable Form field is changed or initiated. Write a PHP script to accept the field value from the form and used the value to retreive data from a table. Calculations can be performed in the PHP script if needed. Encode the result in Json and return the …
Read data from SQL when a field changes value and post the value in another field Read More »
Cryptarithm, also known as an alphametic or verbal arithmetic, is a type of mathematical puzzle where letters or symbols are used to represent digits. The goal of a cryptarithm is to decipher the correct assignment of digits to these letters or symbols in order to form a valid mathematical equation. In a cryptarithm, each letter …
The following should apply to most Apache servers. You can use this to view the errors from your Python scripts. Use Putty or your server’s console To view the last few entries of the HTTP error log file use – tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
Login to the console using Putty. Type this at command line after login: nano /etc/hosts.allow Add the new IP in the existing list of IPs separated by a comma Save the file by pressing Ctrl X Confirm saving by typing ‘Y’ and save the file by pressing Ctrl X and then y and press enter
If you use PHP get_file_contents function, you need to make sure there are no other echo or print related statements other than the the variable or data that you want get_file_contents to get. Else you get make not get any value or wrong value. Also you need to ensure your files are given the right …
Check out our video tutorial to learn how to use Algebra to solve interesting word problems. You will learn how to write correct algebraic equations and use different techniques to get the answers that you need. You will learn how to check whether your equations are correct using units. Furthermore, you will check how to …
You can download the slides used in our Youtube channel here. You will learn how to compute large whole numbers that even calculators will have problems solving. This video will teach you tips and tricks in multiplying, adding and subtracting large whole numbers that goes into thousands of digits. You will also learn how to …
Formidable forms are not responsive by default. However, it can easily be done if you add the following to the Form’s or View’s custom CSS or you can add it to the entire site. You can learn more about grid layout using the following link https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.php?filename=trycss_grid-column2
There are several possible errors that can result in this. You can go to your server’s console and run the script from common line to check for error. The most common are: Python modules/package not installed on server. Your script is saved as CRLF while your server requires your source code to be saved as …
Can’t run a Python script on server but working on local machine Read More »